Subject: Introduction and Goals for UCS1001 Module

Dear Professor Brad,

My name is Muhammad Soediqyn, and I am a first-year Mechanical Engineering student at Singapore Institute of Technology. I previously graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic with a diploma in Mechanical Engineering. I’ve always loved problem-solving since young and tie it with my love for mathematics and physics, it sparked my interest in engineering. I’ve done projects such as making a miniature boat, a catapult, a sensory tool and many more that helped me develop my crafting and problem-solving skills.

One of my strengths in terms of communication is that I can talk to a crowd quite comfortably but the problem that I have is that in a professional setting, out of habit, I tend to speak in Singlish and clearly it’s something that I would love to eliminate. For example, the remarks that I commonly got for my presentations during my polytechnic days was that I had the confidence to talk but something that I should cut out is my Singlish as it makes it look less professional. Hence, it gave me an idea on what's my strengths and weaknesses.

The two goals that I have for this module is to improve on my speech and also to improve my sentence structure and grammar. I will try to talk in proper English in class more often so that it becomes more natural and will also frequently ask for feedback on how I can improve on my structures and grammar. I am confident that, with dedication, I will achieve my goals for this module.

Personally, I think what makes me who I am is my perseverance. I’ve always defied the odds and will continue to do that. There were instances where people doubted me but I worked hard and proved them wrong. I will do the same for this module and hopefully will reach a higher standard than when I first came in.

Thank you for your time, and I hope we all can work together to achieve our goals for this module!


Yours sincerely,



  1. Mentioning the problem of unconsciously speak in singlish was truly relatable, you would have the confidence of a professional but the demeanour of a Singaporean slipping through the cracks hahaha. Overall, I felt your introduction to be coherent and clear. I wish you all the best in overcoming your struggles and your goals accomplished/surpassed.

  2. Hey Soediqyn, It was nice meeting you. The letter was well-written and engaging. Your passion for problem-solving and engineering really shines through, especially with the projects you've worked on. I can definitely relate to your journey in improving communication skills, particularly when it comes to presenting. Using "Singlish" is such a natural habit for many of us. Your perseverance and determination are admirable, and I have no doubt you'll reach the higher standard you're aiming for. Looking forward to working with you!


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